Emergency Management Careers in San Antonio, Texas

One of the functions of the City of San Antonio Office of Emergency Management is to coordinate activities among city departments when preparing for and responding to emergencies and incidents that could affect the entire city. Emergency management professionals in San Antonio are responsible for communicating with state and federal government agencies, coordinating agreements among agencies and departments for the use of resources, continuing operations throughout disasters, and educating the public and employees on preparing for, responding to and preventing emergency situations in and around San Antonio. City departments that are involved in emergency management, besides the San Antonio Office of Emergency Management, include:

  • San Antonio Public Works Department
  • San Antonio Public Health Department
  • Law enforcement in San Antonio
  • Health care
  • Hazardous materials
  • Emergency medical service
  • Government administration departments

Before one can begin a career in emergency management in San Antonio in one of the above-mentioned areas or in another capacity, one must receive the proper emergency management training.

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Emergency Management Education in San Antonio

For those who have jobs in emergency management in San Antonio, training is available through the Emergency Management Association of Texas. Their Certified Texas Emergency Manager training is designed for those with a bachelor’s degree and at least two years experience working in emergency management in the state of Texas.

If a San Antonian wants to break into the field of emergency management, though, it is necessary to procure a certificate or degree in emergency management or a related field. Emergency management educational programs available in the San Antonio area and online include:

  • Associate of Science degree in Emergency Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree: Homeland Security and Emergency Management concentration
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice – Law Enforcement concentration
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Public Safety Management
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Border Security

Emergency Management Employers Found in San Antonio

For those who have the necessary training, emergency management jobs in San Antonio may be available. They are often offered at both the government and private sector levels.

Companies that may employ persons interested in emergency management careers in San Antonio include:

  • San Antonio Office of Emergency Management – where emergency management job titles could include Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator, Special Projects Manager, Management Analyst and Emergency Management Liaison
  • Abacus Solutions Group, LLC – a naval operations and information technology company with one government client. Emergency management job titles at this company could include System Administrator.
  • BriteVision Technologies, Inc. – an air/satellite operations and information technology company with one government client. Emergency management jobs here could include Information Technology Analyst
  • EADS NA Defense Security and Systems Solutions, Inc. – has two government clients and works in information technology, technical intelligence and operations. Emergency management jobs at this corporation could include Project Manager and Systems Engineer.
  • Innove LLC – a psychological, cyber and air/satellite operations company with four government clients. Emergency management job titles here could include Government Program Manager, Intelligence Analyst and Site Acquisition Specialist.
  • ITI Solutions – an information technology company with two government clients. Emergency management job titles here could include Language Analyst and Intelligence Analyst.

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