Emergency Management Careers in Nassau County, New York

In addition to the historic events revolving around Hurricane Sandy in 2012, recent natural disasters in Nassau County include:

  • Severe winter storm and snowstorm: December 2010
  • Severe storms and flooding: March 2010
  • Severe storms and flooding associated with Tropical Depression Ida: November 2009
  • Hurricane Katrina evacuation: August 2005

The mission of Nassau County’s Office of Emergency Management is to protect the citizens of Nassau County and maintain a high level of preparedness. OEM coordinates all county emergency response plans as to identify vulnerabilities, mitigate disasters, and respond to all-hazard emergency situations.

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Emergency Management Job Requirements in Nassau County

A number of emergency management careers may exist in Nassau County, such as:

  • Emergency Management Specialist
  • Emergency Management Director
  • Emergency Management Planner

Within the Nassau County OEM are hazard mitigation specialists, who are tasked with creating and implementing hazard mitigation plans, which help communities identify vulnerabilities and develop strategies to deal with potential disasters. This often includes:

  • Coordinating programs with agencies and organizations
  • Identifying hazards and assessing their vulnerability
  • Conducting risk assessments for manmade hazards
  • Establishing scientific and technical foundations for mitigation strategies

Degree and training requirements for hazard mitigation specialists include possessing one of the following:

  • A master’s degree from an accredited college or university in emergency management, urban planning, engineering, public administration, economics, political science, or one of the physical sciences, and at least one year of full-time experience in one or more of the following:
    • Emergency management
    • Fire service
    • Public safety
    • Public health
    • Public administration
    • Urban planning
    • Engineering; OR
  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, along with at least 2 years of experience in one of the above areas
  • A high school diploma, along with at least 6 years of full-time experience in one or more of the above areas

Emergency Management Training in Nassau County

Nassau County’s Office of Emergency Management has a training and exercise program that is designed to enhance public safety for first responders. Training is offered for emergency management professionals working toward FEMA certification:

Some of the courses offered for the PDS certificate program include:

  • Fundamentals of Emergency Management
  • Emergency Planning
  • Leadership and Influence
  • Decision Making and Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Developing Volunteer Resources

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