Emergency Management Careers in Clay County, MO

According to City Data, Clay County has had a greater number of natural disasters than the national average. Tornado activity in Clay County is 6.2 times the national average and significantly above the Missouri average. Between 1950 and 2010, Clay County had 118 historical tornadoes (above a magnitude of 2) as well as 7,730 hail storms. 5,590 violent thunderstorms, 1,650 floods, 268 severe winter storms, 121 incidents of dangerous heat, 116 heavy snowfalls, 83 ice storms and three wildfires. Recently, the emergency management office issued severe weather alerts on four different days in July, 2013.

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How to Become an Emergency Management Specialist in Clay County, MO

Persons interested in a career in emergency management must earn at least a bachelor’s degree in emergency management or in a related field supplemented by certification in emergency management. Most positions also require several years of experience in emergency services. Volunteer work in the field is often accepted as part of the experience requirement.

Open positions in Clay County are posted on the county human resources website which also has an application form ready for download. Completed applications must be returned to Human Resources, Administration Building, Courthouse Square, Liberty, MO 64068.

Information about paid and/or volunteer work with the Clay County Emergency Management Agency can be obtained directly from their office at 1310 Rhodus Road, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024; tel.: 816/407-3730.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the annual mean salary of emergency management directors in Missouri as $41,270.

Clay County Emergency Management

Clay County Emergency Management is dedicated to preparing its citizens for all possible natural or manmade disasters/emergencies. New Director Eric Ramsey, who was hired in April, 2013, maintains the agency strives to be:

  • Comprehensive/Coordinated. Considers all types of hazards and potential impacts, coordinates all stakeholders, including law enforcement, fire department, medical emergency services, volunteer groups, etc.
  • Progressive. Takes preventive measures to make Clay County as disaster resilient as possible, maintains indoor and outdoor warning systems and provides public information on things like emergency supply kits.
  • Integrated. Unites all federal, state and local agencies/organizations.
  • Risk-Driven. Employs risk-management principles of hazard identification and analysis.
  • Professional. Uses a scientific, knowledge-based approach; adheres to such national standards as the Incident Command System and the National Response Framework.
  • Flexible. Considers innovative and creative approaches.

Volunteers are important to the Clay County emergency management office which organizes and trains the Civilian Emergency Response Team (CERT) that supports the work of first responders, as does the HAM Radio Operators Center.

Emergency Management and Clay County Public Health

The Clay County Public Health Center emergency preparedness office provides the general public, local government, schools, medical personnel, and businesses with educational materials about health threats, including:

  • Pandemic Influenza
  • Biological Terrorism
  • Chemical Accidents
  • Radiological/Nuclear disasters

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