Kentucky Emergency Management Offers Safety Suggestions to Promote Severe Weather Awareness

Kentucky’s Governor Matt Bevin recently signed a declaration officially naming February 22-28 as Severe Weather Awareness Week in the state.

Kentucky Education Television (KET) will help support the message of emergency preparedness by featuring a live broadcast program called “Severe Weather-Staying Safe” which invites viewers to call the station to ask weather experts questions or seek advice.

The National Weather Service along with the Kentucky Broadcasters Association, the Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM), and the Kentucky Weather Preparedness Committee also call for the participation in a statewide tornado drill.

According to the KYEM, this week is especially poignant since the state regularly experiences severe weather. In fact, Kentucky had four documented federally-declared disasters involving severe weather in 2015. And severe weather trends do not seem to be letting up.

Chief of Public Doug Hamilton reiterated this point, stating, “Weather is always a threat in Kentucky: Already in 2016 Kentuckians have experienced historic snow falls, followed by less a week later of risks of severe storms and tornadoes.”

To help ensure the future of all residents during episodes of severe weather, the KYEM issued the following safety tips:

  • Be aware of which kinds of severe weather are likely to affect the geographic locations of your home and workplace settings
  • Make it a habit of looking at daily weather forecasts. Contact emergency management agents to register for request localized alerts. Considering investing in a NOAA Weather Radio.
  • Create and practice tailor-made emergency plans for your home and office that deal with specific weather emergencies.
  • If a severe weather incident arises and you are incapable of finding indoor refuge, locate a ditch or similarly depressed landmark and lie flatly in its lowest point. However, be careful of possible flooding.
  • Every homes and business should have battery-backed weather alert radios because they automatically transmit severe weather alarms raised by the National Weather Service.