Emergency Management Careers in Washington County, Oregon

There are a variety of emergency management services located in Washington County, Oregon which include private sector businesses and firms, city-level organizations and agencies, and other organizations on the county and state level as well. The majority of emergency management jobs in Washington County are located in the cities of Hillsboro, Tigard and Beaverton. The most common types of emergency situations in Washington County include severe storms, flooding and forest fires.

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Emergency Management Degrees in Washington County

Most emergency management positions in Washington County require a degree of some sort. While many of the positions may not have a requirement for a specific degree, it is often preferred that an applicant have a degree in a field related to emergency management. Preferred degrees offered in Washington County include the following:

  • Associate in Applied Science- Emergency Management
  • Associate of Arts in Homeland Security
  • Bachelor of Arts in Emergency Management
  • Masters of Science in Criminal Justice- Terrorism, Mediation and Peace
  • Masters of Public Administration- Homeland Security Policy and Administration
  • Masters of Science in Criminal Justice- Leadership & Executive Management

Many of the degrees offered in Washington County can be achieved online, while some of the others may be obtained via the universities and community colleges located in the metropolitan area.

Training and Certification in Washington County

Emergency management training in Washington County comes in many forms. One of the largest training providers in the county is the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT,) which is a county-wide organization that provides training and planning for emergency situations. There are three CERT locations in Hillsboro, Tigard and Beaverton. The Oregon Trail Chapter of the American Red Cross also offers emergency response and management training. The training includes learning the following skills:

  • Management principles and practices
  • Communication skills
  • Stress management
  • Disaster planning and design
  • Public relations
  • CPR and First Aid
  • Mitigation planning

Certification can be obtained via CERT and the American Red Cross in certain areas. But, online schools and community colleges in the area also offer various types of certifications that are related to the emergency management field. On a state-level, emergency management certification can be obtained through the Oregon Certified Emergency Management program. In order to receive the Oregon certified emergency management specialist, a person must provide proof of the following qualifications and requirements:

  • Participation in full-scale emergency exercises or real experience
  • Must have at least a GED (higher levels of education preferred)
  • 50 hours of emergency management training
  • 50 hours of general management training
  • Prior experience as a volunteer, intern or employee for an emergency management-related organization or agency

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