Oregon Emergency Management Salaries

According to the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, the hourly salary for an emergency management worker is $35.86. For those in the 10th percentile the average hourly salary to expect is $20.17 and the 25th percentile is $26.53. For those in the position that are in the 75th percentile, workers can expect to earn $43.11 and the 90th percentile of workers can expect to earn an hourly salary of $54.89.

The annual salary for emergency management workers in Oregon is approximately $75,590. For those in the 10th percentile the salary annually is $41,950 and in the 25th percentile is $55,190. For workers in the 75th percentile the expected earnings in this position range around $89,680 and for those in the 90th percentile workers can expect to earn $114,160 annually.

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With 90 workers in this position, the demand for organized and professional individuals is constantly increasing in the state of Oregon. It is important for emergency management workers to continually expand their knowledge and education to further their skills and abilities in the job.

The information shown in these tables was furnished by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and represents salary data for both emergency management directors and hazardous materials removal workers in Oregon’s major cities.

Oregon Emergency Management Director Salaries

Area name
Annual mean wage
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro OR-WA

Oregon Hazardous Materials Removal Workers Salaries

Area name
Annual mean wage
Eugene-Springfield OR
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro OR-WA
Southern Oregon and Linn County nonmetropolitan area

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