Emergency Management Careers in Raleigh, North Carolina

Over the last few years, Raleigh has experienced two hurricanes, annual flooding emergencies and a host of other emergency situations. As the second most populous metropolitan area in the state, emergency preparedness is a high priority on the city-level. The Raleigh Office of Emergency Management is the primary organization in the area when it comes to planning and implementing procedures and plans during emergency situations.

The primary goal of the emergency management office is to coordinate with county, state and federal agencies in order to organize and create a comprehensive plan for all emergency situations- whether manmade (terrorist activity, hazardous material spills, etc.) or natural (hurricanes, flooding, mudslides, etc.) The office is also responsible for securing grants from various organizations in order to fund emergency plans and infrastructure during times of emergency.

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Emergency Management Degrees, Training and Certification in Raleigh

A degree in a field directly related to emergency management is the primary requirement for jobs with the Raleigh Office of Emergency Management. Those without a relevant degree will not be considered for a position with the office.

Emergency management degrees can be obtained through traditional campus-based schooling, or through online schooling- both of which are offered in the Raleigh metropolitan area. Degrees offered in the area include the following:

  • Bachelor of Criminal Justice in Emergency Management
  • Master’s of Public Administration- Emergency Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management

Classes focus on emergency preparedness, disaster relief, homeland security and a variety of other subjects closely related to the primary duties and responsibilities of the position.

Another primary qualification for an emergency management career in Raleigh is certification and training. Emergency management certification is obtained through the successful completion of training courses with the Raleigh Office of Emergency Management, and the completion of a 50 question exam that is administered at the end of the training course. Certification focuses on hazardous materials handling, city planning, communication and technology, among many other areas of interest to emergency management offices in Raleigh, as well as the rest of the state.

Emergency Management Professionals at Work in Raleigh

Primarily, emergency management professionals in the city of Raleigh are tasked with strengthening and improving the emergency management plans already in place on the city-level. The job requires that emergency managers stay up to date with the latest in technology and design. The job also requires that emergency managers know how and when to implement plans according to the severity of the threat- which can include cyber-attacks, power outages, weather advisories, evacuations and other things related to preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. Emergency management jobs in Raleigh require a comprehensive skill set, which can be obtained through education, training and certification.

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